By: Adam Beck, DTP Leadership Team and Head of Digital Urbanism at ENE.HUB
In its vision to accelerate Digital Twin (DTw) adoption, the Digital Twin Partnership (DTP) has dedicated much of its first year of operation to community building and engagement.
This saw a national roadshow of launch events to bring people together, share the DTP’s strategy, and gather data to ensure future actions are targeted and effective. Data was gathered from each of the five launch events at:
Brisbane, 7 October 2022
Melbourne, 10 November 2022
Sydney, 16 February 2023
Perth, 30 March 2023
Adelaide, 12 May 2023
Across these events, we had 210 people throughout the DTw community share feedback and experiences relating to policy, practice, and community building. A series of insightful discussions took place, during which we posed three open-ended questions.
These questions were strategically designed to not only shape the future activities of the DTP, but also to glean insights into the ways in which individuals were eager to contribute to accelerating the advancement of Digital Twins (DTws) throughout Australia.
While the data gleaned from each of these events has been periodically released and shared on both the DTP website and LinkedIn, this first-year summary serves as a consolidation of all the accumulated data.
Furthermore, within this document, we distil the essence of the discussions into a series of meaningful recommendations.